So, I want to share with you a song; funny story is that this song is super popular here on campus, but not anywhere else! I can't even find the music to it anywhere else! It is written from the words that are in the hymnal, its like one of those liturgical pieces that has no music with it-- leave it to a Moody to write music to it!
The song is called Here Master In This Quiet Place:
Here, Master, in this quiet place, where anyone may kneel,
I also come to ask for grace believing you can heal.
If pain of body, stress of mind destroys my inward peace
In prayer for others may I find the secret of release.
If self upon its sickness feeds and turns my life to gall,
Let me not brood upon my needs but simply tell you all.
You never said “You ask too much” to any troubled soul.
I long to feel your healing touch. Will you not make me whole?
But if the thing I most desire is not your way for me,
May faith, when tested in the fire prove its integrity.
Of all my prayers let this be chief: Till faith is fully grown
Lord, disbelieve my unbelief and claim me as your own.
This song has been special to me all year, but this week in particular. In Thursday Night Praise, we sang it, but the guy who was leading introduced it in such a wonderful way. We need to take care to not let our sinful minds get caught up on what we think we need. God gives us everything for a reason, and He works in all situations, the good and the bad.
I have been dealing with lots of stuff lately, and I really have just been viewing them as burdens that I have to deal with or bear, which is true. But I have been missing the point of these things being given to me as lessons that I should be taking to heart, allowing them to shape me into the woman God wants me to be. God is growing my faith in spite of my wanting what I think the happy life would be. God does give us the desires of our hearts, but only if we are seeking His will for us.
The RA of my brother floor told us this week in our worship night, that someone told him that if we know we are surrendered to God's will for our lives and that we are willing to do anything for Him, how can we miss His path for our lives? If the desire of our hearts is to do God's will, and to seek Him out in the way that we live our lives, there is nothing that can come between us and Him. Not troubles or hardship or persecution or nakedness or danger or sword. God is Conquerer in all things, and only wants the absolute best for us.
I leave you with this, think it over and really ponder what it means in your life: God is the only constant in our lives, all else will change or fade or let us down, but He never will. Amen and Praise the Lord!!!!!!
Hey girl I'm a moody too and I think I love it how we know and love this song but it's only like a "moody" song! Thanks so much for your note, it is very easy to forget that if we are following God's will troubles will come and so will hardships but that is also His will. There is nothing that can come in between us.Thanks so much, I hope you are having a great night and that your summer is going well.