Thursday, March 25, 2010


So I was looking through my chapel journal, and I found this prayer that I wrote some time ago tucked in the cover. I don't remember when I wrote it, I think it was last semester. I realized that I should still be praying it. Even when the storms of life attack us- we argue with our step moms, break up with our boyfriends, discover someone close to us has died, struggle with midterms, get homesick, loose our job... the list goes on. Thankfully, my life is not as bad as all that, God is still in control. He knows exactly where we are and what we are struggling with. If we can keep our focus, and remember that we are not here to enjoy the pleasures of life, those are just perks of being children of God. We are here to glorify, and praise, and worship, and serve, the AMAZING God who created us in His image! So while it may be hard for us to see the joy in life sometimes, don't loose sight of the fact that life does not give us that joy we seek, we find it in God.

Dear Lord,
I pray that I will be able to serve with all that I have, and get nothing in return.
May I be stripped bare of everything I know so that I can focus more on you.
My Lord, let everything that is certain in my life be taken away, leaving nothing for me to rely on but You.
May I always be broken, yet ever provided for.
Teach me Lord to trust You alone, and to not need to know what tomorrow brings, as long as I know that you are here today.
Lord please keep me broken, having nowhere to turn but to You, my Rock and my Fortress.
May my heart never heal from the pain of seeing injustice.
I pray that you would break me enough to have to take help from others.
May I be humble enough to accept and admit that I have problems and need help.
Let me always be set apart for you, never fitting in with those around me.
Thank you Lord for the life you have given me, for the joy I have found in You.
Let me never forget where true joy comes from.

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