Sunday, June 20, 2010

Eternal Life

So, I was reading my friend Jillian's profile, and I found this, knowing enough french to get me into trouble, I quickly recognized this as the lyrics to the Women's Choir's traditional final piece, Eternal Life.

Seigneur, faites de moi un instrument de votre paix.
Là où il y a de la haine, que je mette l'amour.
Là où il y a l'offense, que je mette le pardon.
Là où il y a la discorde, que je mette l'union.
Là où il y a l'erreur, que je mette la vérité.
Là où il y a le doute, que je mette la foi.
Là où il y a le désespoir, que je mette l'espérance.
Là où il y a les ténèbres, que je mette votre lumière.
Là où il y a la tristesse, que je mette la joie.
Ô Maître, que je ne cherche pas tant à être consolé qu'à consoler,
à être compris qu'à comprendre,
à être aimé qu'à aimer,
car c'est en donnant qu'on reçoit,
c'est en s'oubliant qu'on trouve, c'est en pardonnant qu'on est pardonné,
c'est en mourant qu'on ressuscite à l'éternelle vie." - St. Francis

not translated directly, but the lyrics of our song:

Lord, Make me an instrument of thy peace, peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
where there is injury pardon,
where there is doubt, faith,
where there is despair, hope!
where there is darkness, light!
where there is sadness, JOY!
Oh, Divine Master, grant that I may not,
so much seek to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
it is in dying that we are born,
to eternal life

Such an amazing piece, I love this song so much, it truly grasps the true meaning of life.

Eternal Life

So, I was reading my friend Jillian's profile, and I found this, knowing enough french to get me into trouble, I quickly recognized this as the lyrics to the Women's Choir's traditional final piece, Eternal Life.

Seigneur, faites de moi un instrument de votre paix.
Là où il y a de la haine, que je mette l'amour.
Là où il y a l'offense, que je mette le pardon.
Là où il y a la discorde, que je mette l'union.
Là où il y a l'erreur, que je mette la vérité.
Là où il y a le doute, que je mette la foi.
Là où il y a le désespoir, que je mette l'espérance.
Là où il y a les ténèbres, que je mette votre lumière.
Là où il y a la tristesse, que je mette la joie.
Ô Maître, que je ne cherche pas tant à être consolé qu'à consoler,
à être compris qu'à comprendre,
à être aimé qu'à aimer,
car c'est en donnant qu'on reçoit,
c'est en s'oubliant qu'on trouve, c'est en pardonnant qu'on est pardonné,
c'est en mourant qu'on ressuscite à l'éternelle vie." - St. Francis

not translated directly, but the lyrics of our song:

Lord, Make me an instrument of thy peace, peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
where there is injury pardon,
where there is doubt, faith,
where there is despair, hope!
where there is darkness, light!
where there is sadness, JOY!
Oh, Divine Master, grant that I may not,
so much seek to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
it is in dying that we are born,
to eternal life

Such an amazing piece, I love this song so much, it truly grasps the true meaning of life.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wisdom and the Fear of the Lord

So, I have been doing a study on the fear of the Lord. I was challenged in a book to read a chapter in proverbs a day, and when the first day I was overwhelmed by the first 7 verses of the first chapter, I decided to take my own sweet time reading through.

The first thing that stuck out as I read, was verse 7:
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.

my thought was- I don't fear God enough.

Think about it, how many times have you been overwhelmed by fear of the amazingly powerful God that we serve?
On the other hand, I don't exactly know what a lifestyle looks like that is filled with this holy fear. So, the next day, I read on:
v. 20
Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets, she raises her voice.

That day (yesterday), as I was walking throughout this magnificent city that I live in, i could not help but picture wisdom standing at the corner of Belden and LP west crying with no one to hear her, or standing by the t-rex in the field museum amid the thousands of people who would walk by her that day alone.

Do you hear wisdom? I know that I don't always hear what she has to say, and I don't pay attention when I probably should.

this morning, I read something great in chapter 2:
My son, if you receive my words
and treasure up my commandments with you,
making your ear attentive to wisdom
and inclining your heart to understanding;
yes, if you call out for insight
and raise your voice
for understanding,
if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for
hidden treasures,
then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God.

So, this morning, i go off to work, not concerned about that I don't know what true fear of the Lord looks like, and not upset that I cannot hear wisdom as I see her shouting wisdom on the street corners. If I truly seek her and long to understand, I will know, God promises it!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

blog stalking?

So, sitting waiting to leave for church, I decided to see why it is that I could not use my name in my blog address. After reading about a stay at home mom, I stumbled across a page in Portuguese... I know cool right? Having handy dandy chrome, I translated the page and this is what I found:


There was a blind man sitting on the sidewalk in Paris, with a cap at his feet and a piece of wood, written in white chalk:
"Please help me, I'm blind."
A publicist, he stopped and saw a few coins in the hat. Without asking permission, took the poster and chalk, and wrote another ad and went away. Later he returned to the advertising spend in front of the blind. Now, his cap was full of coins. The blind man recognized the footsteps and asked if it was he who had rewritten his sign, wondering what was written there. The Advertiser said:
"Nothing that is not in accordance with their listing, but with other words"
He smiled its way. The blind man never knew, but his new sign read:
- Today is Spring in Paris and I can not see it.

I think this Donna Jo found something profound... A word really can change everything. It is just like today's culture that would give more to someone who appeals to our emotions rather than to our pocketbook.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sweet Release

What an amazing realization that has come over me! I have had such a wonderful change of perspective that I can't believe how much difference it makes! God has taken my self focus and reminded me of what is important in life. What that is, is doing everything possible in this life to serve those around us. Sharing the love that God has so richly lavished on us with everyone we come into contact with.

Doing this brings our focus back to where it belongs, on God and on others. When we think about how what we are doing can help those around us, it helps us to stop thinking about what is keeping us down. While it is not wrong to be sad about something, or to struggle with a situation, when we are done thinking about ourselves and what is making us sad Refocusing on what gives us fulfillment and joy.

On my way to work today, this song came up on the shuffle on my iPod, and I thought what a great reminder of what life is about. What more is there in this life worth living for? even in the monotonous things of life, God's praise still goes on!

Chris Rice "And Your Praise Goes On"

The moon is high and the sunset fades
The lullabies have all been sung
We’re tuckin’ in another day
And stars appear now one by one
But the stillness moves and the silence yields
And not a single beat is lost
You can hear the chorus in the fields

Taking up where we left off
And Your praise goes on, rising to Your throne
Where You guard us while we dream
Past the stars they fly, Your praises fill the sky
‘Til You wake us with the dawn
And Your praise goes on

Now bring your warmth, O morning sun
Chase the stars and the moon away
And wake us with your brightest song
And add our voice to your refrain
Now rise up everything that lives!
Flap your wings and leap for joy!
Oh forest lift your arms and sway!
Clap your hands you ocean waves!

And Your praise goes on, rising to Your throne
Where You bless our toil and play
Through the clouds they rise, Your praises fill the skies
‘Til the setting of the sun
And Your praise goes on
And when my final breath You lend
I’ll thank You for the life You gave
But that won’t mean the praises end
‘Cause I won’t be silenced by the grave!

And Your praise goes on
I’ll be runnin’ to Your throne
With every nation, tribe and tongue
To Your arms I’ll fly
I’ll gaze into Your eyes
Then I’ll know as I am known
And Your praise goes on
And Your praise goes on
And Your praise goes on

Singing, laughing, and praising the One who deserves more than I could ever give out, or ever will.

with renewed joy in life,


Peace, peace, to those far and near says the Lord your God, and I will heal them. (Isaiah 57:19)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lost Track

Have you ever had the feeling that you have gone so far off track that you don't know if you can find your way back again? I don't think that I have gotten quite that far this time, but I am close! It is really bad when you find yourself realizing that you are being a jerk to those around you! I feel so bad about it, but the worse part is that I don't really know a tangible way to change.

My friend Cassie is such an amazing encouragement to me! She helped me to see that it is okay to not be my happy self all the time. But it is very important to remember not to let that change the way that you interact with others. Don't forget ever that you always have a ministry to those close to you and those you encounter every day, When you don't know what your future holds, look at the present and see how you can minister to those around you now, rather than in years to come. Give of yourself even if you don't want to, it will give you new purpose and motivation to continue on. Keep in mind that while it is okay to be sad and distraught, this is a normal thing of living in a sinful world. It is when we begin to feel sorry for ourselves and give ourselves the OK to stand in the dark sulking over what cannot change that we get into trouble.

I am studying Psalm 119, and I have come across how the psalmist says he will meditate on the Word of God so many times. This I think is an art that has been lost especially in this generation. To think on one passage and mull it over in our minds for a long time is something that we should strive to do. We can receive such insight on life and on the character of God by doing so! My day ends so much better when I know that I have done all that I can to glorify God in all my actions -- especially when I have brightened someone else's day at the same time!

Pray for me if you think about it, getting out of a rut is not an easy task, and its definitely one that I cannot do without God's help. Praise God that I don't have to!

Joy is not found in happiness, but in the peace of knowing that while things may be rough on the outside, everything will work out in the end. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and a silver lining to each cloud. We may just have to be patient to be able to see it.